Tuesday, July 7, 2015Many families take a vacation over the winter months. Some head to warmer climates to get a break from the cold and snow, while others head toward the snow for skiing and snowmobiling. No matter where your vacation destination is this winter, you will want to prepare your home before you leave. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 12, 2015Most people consider their homes a safe haven and aren't very concerned with health and safety issues while behind their own doors. Unfortunately, there are several hidden dangers lurking in most homes; but if you know about them, you can address them. Mold. It only takes about 12 to 24 hours for mold to start growing. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 19, 2015As the weather warms, your kids have probably been starting longingly at the pool. Splashing around under the sun is a great way to pass the time, but you’ll need to make sure your pool is ready and safe before the fun can begin. Taking a bit of precaution now can help prevent future injuries, or worse. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 21, 2015As babies discover that their feet can hold them upright, it opens them up to a whole new world of mischief. Fortunately, most of the mischief is innocent, but there are also plenty of opportunities for accidental injury. If a small child can walk around, chances are he or she won’t be in your line of sight 100 percent of the time. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 5, 2015Many homeowners don't realize that plumbing problems can arise in the cold weather. If not prevented, these plumbing issues can cause significant hassle and expense. The biggest concern is water freezing inside your plumbing system, which causes expansion that can result in cracked pipes. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 6, 2015There is a good reason why homeowners insurance premiums can be higher for smokers. The odds of a house fire increase when an occupant is a smoker. Many of the materials in a modern home are highly flammable and a smoker frequently carries a hot ignition source on his person. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 5, 2014On the surface, it might seem like homeowners insurance is unimportant for a vacation home. You probably only spend a few weeks a year in the home. You already have insurance on your primary residence. You might be asking yourself if insurance on your vacation home is really necessary. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 14, 2014Just because you have home insurance doesn’t mean that you’re fully protected. In fact, approximately 60 percent of US homeowners are underinsured, which can happen for a variety of reasons. In this article, we discuss some of the most common reason that homeowners are underinsured. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 10, 2014When your home is damaged due to a peril that's covered by your homeowners insurance policy, your insurance company will assign your claim to a representative to act on their behalf. Depending on the insurance company they work for, their job title might be Claims Representative, Claims Specialist, Claims Examiner or Claims Investigator. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 6, 2014With the housing market picking back up, you might be wondering if you need more homeowners insurance coverage should the value of your home increase. The answer is dependent on the cause of your home's increased value. Let's say you've made no renovations — your house remains as it was — but home values in the area are picking up. READ MORE >>
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