Wednesday, November 9, 2022Retail property owners have a wide range of opportunities available to them to reduce workers’ compensation claims. In any setting, it is wise for companies to be proactive, looking for ways to reduce claims to save money. Yet, it’s not always simple. You run a busy location, and mistakes happen. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 9, 2022Retail property owners have a wide range of opportunities available to them to reduce workers’ compensation claims. In any setting, it is wise for companies to be proactive, looking for ways to reduce claims to save money. Yet, it’s not always simple. You run a busy location, and mistakes happen. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 7, 2022No employer wants to see their employees get injured or experience illness. After all, employees who take off of work due to an injury or illness are often less likely to return. And while the ultimate goal is for such employees to be able to resume their job duties safely—and as soon as po... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 19, 2021Ergonomics is the science of optimizing an environment for maximum safety and efficiency. In the workplace, emphasizing ergonomics will not only improve your bottom line and boost employee satisfaction, but it will also reduce the number of workers’ compensation insurance claims made as a result of improving safety. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 25, 2020In most private industries, there aren't really any immediate exclusions to workers compensation insurance. There have even been cases where professional stuntmen were covered by workers compensation claims. That, of course, is an industry where injuries are more common than in other industries. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 20, 2019If you offer new products or services, it's possible that your workers compensation insurance rates may change. That's because the type of work that your employees perform is the primary driver in workers compensation insurance rates. How Workers Compensation Rates Work READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 21, 2019Employers take on risk when they hire an employee. There is no way to know how that employee will interact with, treat, or engage others in the workplace. Having a drug policy may offer some support to companies who need to minimize risks on the job. While it may not prevent use, it does create a framework for the company to minimize risk. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 8, 2018Workers’ compensation provides financial protection to your company if an employee suffers an injury or illness on the job. It works much like a standard liability insurance policy. When a person suffers an injury, he or she files a claim with the workers’ compensation insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 14, 2018Kentucky has strict workers’ compensation insurance requirements. If an employee gets hurt on the job, they might qualify for this supplementary income. However, not every workplace accident might qualify for a successful claim. How do employees know when to ask for more information about their workers’ comp? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 13, 2018Every business, from a restaurant to a gift shop, poses risks to its employees. Think about it. A construction employee who isn’t using a lifeline could fall off scaffolding and break a leg. A delivery biker who wasn’t wearing a helmet might sustain a head injury following an accident. READ MORE >>
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