Thursday, October 2, 2014Many families today are short on time, making processed and packaged foods an easy choice at the grocery store. However, these foods often lack the nutrition your body needs to function properly and stay healthy. Try adding the following eight foods, along with other healthy options, to your diet for improved wellness. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 24, 2014You heard plenty about protecting your skin from the sun's rays during summer, but even as we head into fall, you should keep up the good habits for healthy skin. In fact, taking care of your skin can help delay the aging process and keep your skin radiant for years to come. What are the best ways to protect your skin? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 17, 2014Cigarettes are expensive, but smoking costs more than just those packs. Because of the many ill effects smoking has on your health, smokers should expect to pay high premiums for life insurance. Why exactly? Insurance providers calculate your premium based on your risk of dying. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 10, 2014When your home is damaged due to a peril that's covered by your homeowners insurance policy, your insurance company will assign your claim to a representative to act on their behalf. Depending on the insurance company they work for, their job title might be Claims Representative, Claims Specialist, Claims Examiner or Claims Investigator. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 3, 2014In recent years, automakers have added numerous safety features to vehicles. Technology improvements have made cars safer. Anti-lock brakes are now considered standard and new optional features are available to aid in preventing accidents. If you are in the market for a new car, consider researching car safety options before making your final selection. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 20, 2014Though state limits vary, any business in any state that owns and operates vehicles for business purposes is required to maintain commercial auto insurance. This coverage is designed to protect not only the business' property and bank account, but also other drivers who share the road with your vehicles. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 13, 2014Many parents hope to finance (at least partially) their children's college education in order to set them up for a bright career and prosperous future. However, education prices are already extremely high and increasing at a record rate, making this dream harder to achieve for many families. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 6, 2014With the housing market picking back up, you might be wondering if you need more homeowners insurance coverage should the value of your home increase. The answer is dependent on the cause of your home's increased value. Let's say you've made no renovations — your house remains as it was — but home values in the area are picking up. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 30, 2014It's important to protect yourself with the right homeowners insurance coverage, in case your home is ever destroyed. Sadly, many people don't discover that they're underinsured until it's too late. Don't let this happen to you. Keep an eye on the following things: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 23, 2014Just like a responsible home owner performs regular maintenance to prevent much bigger problems, so too should you partake in preventative care to manage your health. Many people visit doctors only when they get sick. READ MORE >>
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